Use Tax

Reminder about use tax: If you were not charged sales tax or were charged the incorrect amount of tax for any item, you must report use tax on your CalCard Recon. Please see CalCard Reconciliation Guide for full directions and a reminder below.


Use Dollar Amounts Only for Use Tax:

  • If you were not charged tax and should have been, type in the dollar amount of tax you should have been charged.
  • If you were charged the wrong tax rate, type in the dollar amount of the difference.
    • Example 1: They charged you 7% tax on a $100 item ($7). But you should have been charged Santa Rosa tax rate of 9.75% ($9.75). You would type $2.75 in the use tax box.
    • Example 2: They charged you 10% tax on a $100 item ($10.00). But you should have been charged Santa Rosa tax rate of 9.75% ($9.75). You would type (-$0.25) in the use tax box.