
Chart of Accounts

View our Chart of Accounts (object code guide) page for more information.

New Budget Codes Linked

To link new unrestricted accounts in Escape, please contact Shannon O'Reilly at or 707-521-7848.

To link new restricted/categorical accounts in Escape, please contact Stephanie Dirks at or 707-527-4755.

Password Reset

To reset your Escape password, please contact Shannon O'Reilly at or 707-521-7848

Training Videos

Tuesday Training Schedule, Escape training, and PDA sessions.  

User Guides

Escape (RunOnline 5.0) User Guide

User Guide - Budget and Expenditure Transfers

User Guide - Escape Payroll Reports

User Guide - Escape Employee Payments

Escape User Guide for Department Chairs

Escape Employee Portal 

User Guide - Escape Employee Online Portal

Escape Employee Online Portal Handout